
2015-08-29 綁繩班之我見








全吊起後,雙腳重心比較高,老師話咁樣力會多啲喺對腳,上身會輕鬆一點~ 吊起慢慢的轉,同學們好像比我更興奮,感覺更尷尬,有同學還問要嘗試被打麼?隨後因為要影相,所以用布蒙眼,這才是最大的不安,完全沒有方向感、無時間感、體感只覺得在轉、好像四周都有人在看,不安不安還是不安~





EVA 福音戰士 Cosplay Catsuit

今天放了這張相在forum, FB 及這裡,瀏覽率高漲。

今天放了這張相在forum, FB 及這裡,瀏覽率高漲。
Cosplay 的user 是一個smart 又手巧的designer ,很玩得,有時坐下來兩個人談話時,覺得他很有哲理,或者講,很有禪味。
之前的blog 好像有提到他駕駛時不搶線,會讓巴士。
放這張相在這裡時,收到一個PM 說: I hope I am this rubber dogie.

Rope Art 緊縛的藝術



講究耐性的是麻繩,但麻繩crossover latex 的話,其實不太完美。

因為麻繩的繩屑容易留在 latex 上。



欣賞Rope art 的角度是:看到繩陷進身體,令身體看上去更豐滿的感覺。


Latex 使用須知 (常識)

含有油,脂及溶劑的潤滑劑都有機會令你的Latex 膠片受毀。

陽光,熱度,高UV 都會令Latex 膠片變色。
所以建議在不穿 Latex Catsuit 時,用一個保鮮袋包裝好已撒了爽身粉的膠衣。

Latex 和銅是不能放在一起的,這一點要小心。
穿 Latex 膠衣前最好洗手,還有小心指甲太尖會刺破膠衣喔。
關於Latex 尺寸表,到現在LBG都是用這一款。
但#2 (上半身)這個地方原來要是稍改為(上身周長),做latex suit 準繩度更高。
Users自己愈能夠提供確實的尺寸,愈方便tailor 做得貼身。
但這裡有一點要講明,客人提供的尺寸,比如:20cm ,tailor 不會擅自改為擴大或縮小。
因此,不要覺得說我腰圍24cm, 為什麼廠方不會稍為減1-2cm 緊一點 ? ......不會的。
因為tailor 都要保障他們自己,萬一改了,又有麻煩人發飆問為什麼要擅自改動他們的尺寸。
有人天生對Latex 敏感的嗎? 
請留意以下事項,LBG Company 對又要敏感又要穿膠衣的人士是不負責的。



Latex 上的普通拉鍊

一般latex tailor 選用的是YKK 拉鍊,有時見一些公司標明用YKK,用了會飛嗎?

泛拉鍊後面都會再加一層所謂的 "檔布",以防拉鍊磨擦,劃傷皮膚。

三種不同素材的分別 (基本常識)


關於Latex ,Lycra,P.V.C,三者的分別如下表。

P.V.C 是三者之中最沒有彈性的,但可以縫合。
Lycra 便是泳衣及單車衫的材質,透氣,彈性之好可想而知,也可以縫合。
Latex 的彈性很強,但完全不透氣,看model 們穿完倒出來或滴出來的汗水就知道了。
Latex 完全不可以縫合,要靠黏合,素材與氣球同,所以會有一股氣球的膠味。



LBG 主要的業務是:Latex Products OEM, Design Service, Buyer Label Offered 
過去參加過的展覽會有:2012年澳門成人展  以及  2013年的香港時裝展

LBG 的聯絡電郵 : chaming1999@hotmail.com  / smood718@yahoo.com.hk 
LBG 的雅虎 名稱 : smood718 
LBG Facebook Fan page : www.facebook.com/LatexBabyGirl

PS:大家喜歡的可以直接找她入貨呀XD 她樂意為大家選擇合適的膠衣呀^^

latex 上的隱形拉鍊

latex 上的隱形拉鍊

隱形拉鍊因較普通拉鍊細幼,所以只能是一個zipper head ,不能另加拉鍊頭的。

另外,latex 是不能縫合的,所以細心留意的話,會發現連在latex上的拉鍊頭尾都有鍋釘扣

關於Silicone Oil

Picture shown : LBG-AC002 (HK55)  is latex shining spray, mainly uses on latex sheet surface。
有Users 問:
在latex 與身體之間除了用爽身粉之外,還有沒有其他的可以使用? (更加容易穿上latex catsuit )
有。silicone oil 或 KY。

注意:* 液體是不能郵寄的,不論本地或海外*

chaming Latex Baby Girl ( LBG ) 大家快快感受一下膠衣文化



膠衣又是一大課題. 是一個我沒有接觸的大項目.
希望大家會喜歡上膠衣文化 ^^///



又有活動了 ~ 大家快快把握機會!!!



第一部分-大班教學 (日式一繩技術)

日期: 2015829日(星期日)



1500-1515       介紹及緊縛基本知識
1515-1530       教學1: 單柱縛及雙柱縛(重溫,主要協助新手)
1530-1550       教學2: 一繩後手胸縛
1550-1610       教學3: 一繩後手直手縛
1610-1630       教學4: 一繩槍手縛
1630-1650       教學5: 一繩髮縛
1650-1710       教學6: 一繩雙腳直縛
1710-1730       教學7: 自縛雙繩龜甲縛
1730-1800       示範/體驗/分享/練習



日期: 2015829日(星期日)
費用:500 (包括自己帶來繩模的費用共兩人、吊扣、吊圈等)


1. 安全為上
2. 互相尊重及必須得到別人同意
3. 只是可以做緊縛的活動
4. 攝影



subaykinbaku.blogspot.hk <~~~~~ GOGOGOGO

便直接去原網址欣賞XD  ~


A Letter to Daddy :)

A Letter to Daddy :)


We haven't know each other for long but I feel so connected to you already. It's very rare that I feel like I can trust someone and be honest with someone - and I am really happy to have found you.

I enjoyed every moment with you. I don't just see it as play. I love you as a friend. I respect you as my mentor. I treasure and serve you as my Dominant. I might not be the best girl in the world but I would do the best within my ability to make you happy - because making you happy makes me really happy.

Thank you so much for sacrificing so much for me. I know that you are busy and you have a lot of commitments in life - yet you do so much for this silly fishie and care so much for me.

Thank you Daddy :)



Play Munch 酒吧派對 (22 April 2015)

I have been really busy but I finally had the chance to take a break and I had some kinky fun tonight at a play munch which's held in a bar (closed curtains). I put on my kimono and tied several people - some of them were really eager to be tied by me as they had never been tied before. I tied a guy blindfolded - this time apart from a gote, I did some ties on his legs, also with a blindfold and it's a really good practice experience for me. I also tied several other people - something special to recap:
I tied S. She's not very flexible - which's fine. I hate it when people say that in order to be a good rope bottom, you need to be fit/skinny/small/flexible. I don't agree with it - as long as that person has a passion for ropes, and is eager to be in my ropes, I am happy to tie him/her (or other gender). I have tied people of all sizes and flexibility - when you tie, you don't just tie a gote on flexible people who can do a gote position. You tie *the person*. You do different ties to suit that person. We are all different and it's where the beauty truly lies. I tied S in a modified gote position and it's really fun to be able to improvise - I did a lot of improvisation today.
I also tied N. He's sadomasochistic, sometimes Dominant. It's funny because I am submissive. But in our rope scene, I am the one tying and it seems that our roles are switched. I tied a teppou with finger ties on him, a futomono and opened his legs wide and tied his legs to his back - basically he's completely restrained. We then had some more fun - I started by dripping candle wax on him - so as to get his skill more sensitive. Then I used the pinwheel on him - on his inner thigh and the bottom of his feet. It's excruciating for him as it's super sensitive. When he thought it's bad enough - I pulled out the sadistick and started working on his inner thigh and bottom of his feet. At the end of our scene, I said I would give him 20 more by the sadistick, and I ended up stopping at 19 and repeating 19-19-19-19-19 for like forever. I was carefully reading his emotions, his reactions, his facial expressions - to push him, to feel him, to see how much further I can go with him. It's a very exciting moment for me and I know that he would curse me for a few days (there are bruises on his inner thigh - it hurt quite a bit)
It's a really fun night and I really enjoyed introducing several newbies to ropes!

用繩感染大家 (2)

I also tried something new - tying blindfolded. It's a brand new experience and really fun - I relied on all my senses to tie - to explore the body - to feel the ropes. I found so much tranquility in it.

Rope 緊縛者: subay
Model 被綁者: anonymous

I might write more later when I have time but just want to upload a few pictures.

用繩感染大家 (4月11-12週末)

Spreading my passion for ropes 用繩感染大家 (4月11-12週末)

I tied quite a lot this weekend. Several people appro
ached me. They were mainly newbies and never had any shibari experience so this weekend, I spent some time to introduce some people to ropes - and I also treated it as a learning experience (tying people of different body shape and gender)

Rope 緊縛者: subay
Model 被綁者: gringoire

Ropey Easter Weekend 復活節與緊縛 :)

Happy Easter everyone :)

First, apologies if I haven't replied to your messages on Fetlife/HKBDSMC/Facebook/Gmail etc. I have been super busy (haven't been around a laptop for around 1-2 weeks now) as I have been having some kinky fun :D

Midnight Ropes with @luis1786

@Luis1786 and I met on Fetlife. We exchanged several messages and he wanted to practice tying with me. I am often willing to be the practice bottom. Although I am not super bendy flexible, I think one thing good about practising on me is that I can give very constructive feedback and I enjoy communication. As I have a bit of rope experience as a rope top, I can often tell him/her concretely where the problem is (tension/wrap placement/wrong fiction etc)

So we met for a few times to have some rope fun. He's not the most experienced at ropes. I remember myself saying that I would only enjoy being tied by experienced rope tops. But actually - not always. I had such a good time being tied by him. I could see/feel/sense/hear a lot of mistakes - but I decided to stay silent and let the ropes caress me. The thing is - it's not really about the ropes - he might be slow, he might make mistakes, do the wrong knot, go to high/low - yet more important is how he uses his ropes to caress me, to torture me, to give me feelings, to build a connection. He's very good at controlling a rope bottom and it's something I definitely want to learn from him. While he takes his time to tie, he always holds my hair tight to control my movement - to force me to my kneels, to push me down, to do whatever he wishes me to do. I was such a happy girl enjoying the happy moments.

I guess most people now focus too much on the technical side of kinbaku - yes, being safe is important, and doing the tie right etc is definitely good - but in kinbaku, we don't tie objects, we tie persons - persons with feelings. Kinbaku is almost like sex - it's intimate, you do it with people you trust and love.

And our rope session slowly developed into something else...some more play...:P (shhhhh)

Rope Intensive with @Nuidetokyo

As @Nuitdetokyo is staying in Hong Kong for Easter, I have decided to go bug him again :P We talked about a rope intensive as I am going to join a kinbaku study group in Tokyo in late June with some rope masters including Osada Steve, Yukimura Haruki and Nawashi Kanna. So to prepare for my first official/formal rope education in Japan, I thought it would be good to learn from @Nuitdetokyo as he's been tying in Japan for 10 years.

We mainly focused on the takate-kote and we looked at many important details. Every time someone goes to Japan, it's very likely that he will be asked to tie a takate-kote - it's just a very good way to see how a person ties and his experience and his skills. I spent a lot of time practising the tension of my ropes - it's a bit of a challenge for me. I usually don't tie super tight due to my models preference but in the session, I had to learn to increase the tension of my ropes so it took me a bit of time to adjust to it. Another challenge is the speed. I had to do a 3-rope takate kote in 4.5 minutes and so far my record is around 5.5 minutes.

That being said - to prepare for my rope education, I am now looking for more practice bottoms, preferably girls (I tie people of all genders, but as in Japan, the models are usually female, so I have to practice tying girls first) :D Give me a shout if interested!

Just a picture of a takate kote done in 5.5 minutes :P Its not perfect...but...well it's my first time tying so fast!

Photoshoot with two models

@Nuitdetokyo has been working on his portfolio and he wants to do some photoshoots with Hong Kong as the theme. I have been helping him with models and photographers (as there are quite a few photographers who contact me on Facebook). So we did some simple photoshoots to get to know the models.

There isn't a lot to say about the photoshoot but there's one thing special - we worked with a girl model. She's completely new to shibari and we did a simple side suspension (yoko zuri). She asked us to let her down almost immediately as she's not used to the feeling of suspension. Interestingly, the second time we did it, again a side suspension, after taking the pics, she asked to stay in the air for longer. It's really interesting to see a newbie explore shibari and her reactions :P

We are still looking for professional/semi-professional models who are willing to be tied.
1. Nudity (frontal or complete) with some explicitness (strictly no sex)
2. Girls (prefer girls with boooooobs!)
3. Paid photoshoot (market price)
4. Rope experience preferred
5. Fetish/sexy wardrobe welcome
6. No commercial use - just for an online portfolio
7. Body size/shape/nationality/ink etc flexible

Send me a message if interested!

Email: subay.annie.hk@gmail.com
Facebook: Subay Kinbaku
Wechat: fishie_ay

More ropes...

Got tied during Easter - crotch rope - crotch rope attached to the suspension point - ouch. 
That's all I wanna say :P haha.

緊縛聚會分享及相片 Rope Gathering Afterthoughts and Pictures (2 April)

緊縛聚會分享及相片 Rope Gathering Afterthoughts and Pictures (2 April)

This is the first time that I invite kinksters from both Fetlife and HKBDSMC (the local Cantonese group) to join my rope social. To be honest, I was a bit skeptical because the cultures are really different and there's also the problem of language barrier but I decided to just go ahead because I hope that my rope gatherings can be open to more people - as long as they love ropes - and we can always connect and communicate with ropes.
Organising this event required quite a bit of effort - from negotiating with the venue owner, the event photographer, to sending out invitations, answering all the enquiries, processing all the applications (as I have a vouching policy to protect all attendees and the venue), sending out confirmations and finally preparing materials for the gathering. First, a big shout to @fufu for being my lovely assistant (or even co-organizer) now. Thank you for helping me out and solving all the problems with me, and of course giving me feedback. 
On 2 April, @fufu, @milllkybunny and I met the event photographer, @Steve, to discuss details of the gathering. We invited an event photographer (who also loves ropes) because from our experience, there will be a lot of action shots and we want to be able to capture the beautiful moments for all the attendees. As @Steve didn't have much experience in this area so we briefed him a bit before the event. Then together with @Nai, we shopped for some snacks and drinks and headed for the venue.
Previously, my rope gatherings were all pretty casual - people came whenever they wanted and we didn't really have much to prepare or set up but as there were more people coming this time and I wanted to make the event more structured, we did more - laying out all the ropes and other stuff (thanks to @大人for lending out his jute ropes), preparing for snacks and drinks, preparing for the suspension point etc. This time, I also did a bulk purchase for safety shears (EMT shears used to cut ropes in emergent situations - basic bondage safety). At 8pm, people start to arrive!
We had around 30 people for the rope gathering this time - I planned to have around 20-25 people originally but there were a lot of people who wanted to come and I didn't want to turn down SO MANY people, so I decided to extend the quota a bit - so 30 from both Fetlife and HKBDSMC.
@fufu and I started by doing a brief introduction on the gathering's structure and important rules to protect everyone. After some self introduction, @Nuitdetokyo was very kind to kick off the rope gathering by showing Akechi Denki's Takate Kote. 



To be honest, at first, I was a bit worried about him showing a takate kote as most people at the rope gatherings were beginners. However, after some deep thought, I thought maybe it's a good idea as the TK incorporated a lot of important rope skills and also, I believe that it would be good for people to have some basic idea of what it should be like - the important details. I see a lot of people attempting to do a TK but a lot of times, even though they succeed in tying the pattern, all the important details (tension/frictions/rope placement) are neglected and so a lot of people, even the more experienced rope tops, might get the takate kote wrong. So I think it would be a good opportunity for people to understand more about it - even if they cannot do everything or remember everything right - they still have an idea of what it should be like. I was @Nuidetokyo's demo bottom for the night - we did some step by step demonstration followed by one-to-one coaching/feedback/learning. It's really good to see that everyone's practising and people trying to help out each other!

老實說,因為許多出席者都是新手,一開始我也有點擔心一開始分享這個綁法會不會太複雜。可是,學一個高手小手綁,其實是包括了許多重要緊縛的技巧。我見到 許多人都做後手縛,但其實見到許多人的綁法都是不正確/不安全的。要做一個好和安全的後手縛,有很多重要的細節,例如張力,手踠繩的鬆度,繩放置的地方, 後面繩如何鎖實等等,有很多比較有經驗的人都會弄錯,所以我相信這次是一個好的機會讓大家理解和學習正確後手縛的方法,即使大家未必能夠於短時間來完全熟 悉後手縛,至少可以明白基本原理,做個初步的認識。當日,我是@Nuidetokyo的被綁者(用來做講解),我們一起逐步講解後手綁,大家一起跟著綁, 我們也有再周圍一對一幫助大家。很開心見到大家積極練習,互相幫助。

At the end of the sharing by, @Nuitdetokyo quickly showed everyone a basic suspension on @Komaru (just to show that the TK's safe for suspension).

Rope work: Nuidetokyo
Model: Komaru
Photography: Steve

After the sharing, it's time for open practice. I decided to practice my self suspension and transitions in the air. I seldom have the chance to do self suspension - I only do it when there are spotters and people who can give me feedback. I decided to do a full suspension with a chest harness. Self suspension's quite challenging to me. I find that it's a lot easier to tie on another person. Due to my weight (hell I am heavy) so I have to make sure that I tie something comfy and relatively load bearing so I can stay up in the air for longer. It also requires a lot of strength in the core muscles (and I only have fat unfortunately) so it's really tiring for me...but it's fun!

Rope work and model: subay
Spotters: Nuitdetokyo and fufu
Photography: Steve
@Nai kindly asked @Nuitdetokyo if he could tie her - and this is what happened - a teppou suspension and some spinning (@Nai likes spinning A LOT) followed by gagging and blindfolding by ropes.

Rope work: Nuidetokyo
Model: Nai
Photography: Steve




- subay


t takes a lot of passion, dedication and devotion to learn ropes. I spend a lot of time for practice and research. And today, I decided to have some suspension fun and practice with @fufu.


With a gote as the basis, I started working on different positions and exploring @fufu's body. I started with some floor ties. The first one's a very defensive position that I came up with - it's a struggle between the power/control portrayed by the tie and the inner submission within her. I like the first tie a lot. And then I proceeded to do some suspension - and then tying her poor little toes to the crotch rope - so it's like a little predicament - if she decided to drop her toes, she would feel something hehe. 
我們先做了個後手縛,然後開始嘗試不同的姿勢-從地上的緊縛再到吊縛。第一個是在地上的,姿勢十分防衛,看上來是很有力,很有控制的,但同時間她的心裡間 是多麼的無助,是一個很有趣的對比。然後我們開始做吊縛,其中一個特別的是腳趾是跟股繩綁在一起的,如果她的腳放鬆,那麼股繩就會向上拉:P

When I untied her - there's this beautiful moment - she's all blissed out.
We took a break and had a little chat about the tie. And then we continued to work on the second set. I wanted to do something different so I decided to go for teppou shibari with finger ties (note the use of crotch rope haha) Then I went on to do a partial suspension with her ankles beautifully tied. Then I moved on to a very "welcoming" position (open "M" legs)

We didn't have much time left so we decided to just do something simple. Simple...but painful (please do not try these ties if you don't have any experience - they are VERY dangerous and painful and challenging). We first did an inverted suspension by one wrap on the waist, followed by an inverted suspension by one ankle. 

I seldom get suspended in Hong Kong as there aren't many people who are experienced enough to do that. So I decided to do a simple self suspension. 
Doing suspensions is really challenging and I have so much more to learn - the right tension, placement, transition, the balance of load, how to do the ties quickly and safely etc. I am really thankful that I have such a good rope bottom to practice ropes with and try things out with. We had a really good time - although it's not a rope scene, we still had lots of fun and laughters hehe.
Rope 緊縛者: subay
Model 被綁者: fufu
Photography 攝影: cindyhk



Ropes at March Party by Kinky Hong Kong (28 March 2015)

Ropes at March Party by Kinky Hong Kong (28 March 2015)

I am a submissive. Despite the fact that I do ropes and tie a lot, I still identify myself as a submissive. People might associate "tying" with "topping" or "dominating" but I do not agree. When I tie someone up, I simply want to get close to them. To caress them. To connect with them. To make them happy. I do not do torture ties for the sake of torturing people - I do it only because my friends enjoy being tortured. So fundamentally speaking - I am still thinking from the perspective of a submissive - I just want people around me to be happy - and that in turn, would make me happy.
But when I go to the parties held by Kinky Hong Kong, I don't really play a lot now (as a submissive). I don't do impact play anymore - anyone can hit me really hard. Anyone can do mean things to me - but it's the mental aspect that's lacking in a lot of scenes and I do not enjoy playing with people I cannot connect well with. So when I go to parties now, I usually do ropes with my friends.
Yesterday, I tied up two wonderful girls. :)
I tied @Nai first. We were just chatting and discussing the new suspension ring and swivel that I got. Not many people can take spinning and swinging when up in the air. It's even harder to take when the person's suspended inverted. I personally can take it but I do not enjoy it as I have motion sickness very easily. But @Nai is a very playful girl and she's really curious to know what it would be like. So we tried it out by doing an inverted suspension with hip harness. She looked amazing up in the air - I enjoyed spinning her, and stopping her, and holding her steady in my embrace, and giving her the caress that she deserves.

Ropes 緊縛者: subay
Model 被綁者: Nai
Photography 攝影: VelmaVoluptuary
Then I had some rope fun with @V. We planned a bit ahead for the scene. I decided to go for the sensual way. It's the first time that I tied her so I wanted her to feel my ropes and be comfortable first. I went for a gote, and proceeded to tie her hair, and mouth, and finally her eyes. We also did a partial suspension/stretchy ties I enjoyed how much she enjoyed being ropes - when she's completely in my arms, led by me, feeling everything that I gave her - that's a really beautiful gift.