A 36-year-old pansexual female who began self-learning shibari around 2002, from photos she found online. After joining BDSM Company Munch in 2009, she has been engaging in the rope community in Taiwan. Alice has performed in the theatrical kink production “舞動繩姬“, Taipei Fringe Festival. She also works as a life-drawing model and rigger. As a student and performer of aerial silks, she has combined some of these techniques with rope self-suspension and developed a unique performing style.
Alice Hsu
Maya Mai 舞真夜
於東京 SM Club 出道,旅日時專研繩縛,並涉足各式成人 bar 學習多元情慾文化與另類性技巧。回臺後,致力推廣愉虐文化,共同創辦《皮繩愉虐邦》後,主持大型劇場「舞動繩姬」,近期推出系列小品「凝繩私語」培養在地人才。亦受邀港澳展演,曾任 Asia Couples Travel 國際講師。現營禁羈空間-My Space,透過繩縛沙龍、愉虐工作坊等,帶領大眾在安全的環境下享受異色性愛。
東京SM Clubからデビュー、日本で緊縛を習い。台湾に帰国、BDSM文化を広め、《皮繩愉虐邦》の創立者の一人、「舞動繩姬」や「凝繩私語」などのショーを主催。香港や、マカオなどでパフォーマンス、Asia Couples Travelの国際先生、現在は安全なプレイ環境を作るために、My Spaceという緊縛サロンや、ワークショップ空間を経営しています。
Christine M 小M
A kink practitioner who engages in sex and gender politics, and environmental activism. Since 2012 she has been attending kink community events in Taiwan and has participated in various S&M and body modification art performances since 2014. Christine is devoted to exploring and studying various kink-related skills, and gives lectures on anal training, CBT, body modification techniques and undertakes body modification work.
Rope Showcase是於蘇格蘭首都愛丁堡所舉行的繩縛晚宴。因應新冠肺炎防疫生活,我們開始舉辦線上表演。很高興能為大家呈獻我們首次與台灣繩縛實踐者的合作。這是台灣2020年的第一場繩縛表演,同時也是首次以線上直播的方式,將台灣的繩縛表演呈現給世界各地的觀眾!
Rope Showcase is an evening of live rope performances. Usually we are an event based in Edinburgh, Scotland, but due to the impact of COVID-19 we have been hosting online shows. We are delighted to present our first collaboration with rope practioners in Taiwan. These will be the first rope performances in Taiwan in 2020, as well as being the first time Taiwanese performers have been presented to an international audience via livestream.
防疫期間各種社交限制想必要把你悶壞了,而我們也渴望能重新建立與外界的連結!這次Rope Showcase請來三組台灣表演者,接力用繩子將你、我與世界緊緊相連,讓久沒見面的朋友與同好們能在遠端重逢,同時,此次的活動將讓世界認識到台灣繩縛的多元性。English translation: Read Less
Is lockdown making you stir-crazy? We also long to reconnect with the outside world! Three sets of performers will, through rope, connect you, us, and the rest of the world together. Old friends can finally meet again, and those who did not know about Taiwanese rope culture can learn about our diversity.
在過去,想參加繩縛演出的你可能需要考慮地理與時間限制、擔心趕場、露臉與隱私、擔心現場人擠人。然而,此次除了限額的現場觀眾席以外,Rope Showcase也提供給觀眾們全新的線上劇場體驗!只需要打開電腦,點擊網址並輸入專屬密碼,即可享受為您個人呈現的繩縛繩宴(本次我們將使用私人直播平台以確保隱私安全)。此外,在表演畫面旁邊,我們也提供聊天室讓線上的觀眾們交流感想、為表演者們提供鼓勵與贊助!(建議使用電腦觀賞以得到最佳觀賞體驗)English translation: Read Less
There is limited availability for a live audience, but rope shows are no longer limited by geographical distance and timezones! This event offers a whole new online theatre experience for our guests. No need to worry about rushing, worrying about showing your face, or sitting uncomfortably in a crowd.
Just sit in front of your computer, follow the link and enter the password, and you can enjoy the show. There will be a chatbox right next to the stage screen, where you can share your thoughts with other viewers, cheer for and tip the performers! (We recommend you use a PC or laptop, not a mobile.)
獸阿 – SM實踐者、繩縛表演者。熱愛繩與繩縛,關注性別議題。自2016年起參與超過30場繩縛表演籌劃、演出及講座,致力使繩縛成為一種說話的方式。除了傳統日式繩縛之外也進行行為演出及跨領域合作或其他類型的創作,並自2018年始於劇場擔任繩縛指導。現於台北開課教授繩縛。FB, Twitter, IG, FLSoa – English translation: Read Less
A kink practioner and rope fiend, passionate about rope and shibari, sexual identity and gender politics. He has organised and performed in over 30 shibari events since 2016, and has been working hard to propagate rope as a form of communication. Besides traditional Japanese shibari, Soa also works in interdisciplinary performance and various types of creative work, and currently teaches Shibari courses in Taipei and works as a shibari instructor in theatres. FB, Twitter, IG, FL
傑尼 – 24歲,擁有變態女友及一對主人的寵物倉鼠。台灣大學BDSM社創社社員,自2014年起參與台灣禁羈社群活動並關注其他性別議題,希望能讓世界變得更友善。曾做過的表演包含 Cut Piece、打屁股、私處剃毛,喜歡用身體嘗試不同的可能性。 Twitter, IG, FL, blogJaney – English translation: Read Less
A 24 year old pet hamster who has a kinky girlfriend and is owned by a kinky couple. Co-founder and former organiser of the BDSM society of National Taiwan University, she has been participating in the Taiwanese kink community and engaging with sexual and gender politics since 2014, wishing to make the world a friendlier place. Previous performances include “Cut Piece”, spanking and pussy shaving, in the name of exploring different possibilities using her body. Twitter, IG, FL, blog
胡籬 – 36歲原生女性泛性戀,自2002年左右由網路圖片自學繩縛,於2009年起參與皮繩愉虐邦Munch等活動,接觸繩縛數年。曾參與舞動繩姬、臺北藝穗節演出、擔任畫室模特兒與繩縛師,並在大專院校社團課程進行繩縛示範。近期往自縛吊、情慾書寫、同人出版方面發展。2015年起學習綢吊,經過幾次表演經驗後以自縛吊的脈絡將兩者互相融合,發展獨特的表演風格。FB, Twitter, Fetlife, IG
A 36 year old pansexual female who began self-learning shibari around 2002, from photos she found online. After joining BDSM Company Munch in 2009, she has been engaging in the rope community in Taiwan. Alice has performed in the theatrical kink production “舞動繩姬“, Taipei Fringe Festival. She also works as a life-drawing model and rigger. As a student and performer of aerial silks, she has combined some of these techniques with rope self-suspension and developed an unique performing style. FB, Twitter, Fetlife, IG
Maya 於東京 SM Club 出道,旅日時專研繩縛,並涉足各式成人 bar 學習多元情慾文化與另類性技巧。回臺後,致力推廣愉虐文化,共同創辦《皮繩愉虐邦》後,主持大型劇場「舞動繩姬」,近期推出系列小品「凝繩私語」培養在地人才。亦受邀港澳展演,曾任 Asia Couples Travel 國際講師。
現營禁羈空間-My Space,透過繩縛沙龍、愉虐工作坊等,帶領大眾在安全的環境下享受異色性愛。FB, Twitter, FL, IGMaya Mai – English translation: Read Less
Maya started her performance career in SM Club, Tokyo. She studied shibari in Japan and worked in various adult bars to better learn about diverse culture of sexuality and alternative sex techniques. She has devoted herself to advocating kink culture since moving back to Taiwan.
Maya is the co-founder of Taiwan’s earliest kink community “BDSM Company”, the host of “舞動繩姬” – a theatre that presents fetish shows – and the founder of “凝繩私語”, which provides a stage for local rope performers at the start of their journey. Kink organisations in Hong Kong and Macau have invited Maya to perform and teach in the “Asia Couples Travel” programme.
Christine 小M – BDSMer,關注性別與環境議題。自2012年參與台灣禁羈社群活動,2014起參與各種SM與人體改造藝術表演演出,及各種相關議題課程及技術講座講者。喜歡挑戰自己與他人的身心極限,嘗試與學習各種項目技巧。目前有承接後庭調教、CBT、人體改造技術講座,各種人體改造個案。Website, FB, TwitterChristine M – English translation: Read Less
A kink practitioner who engages in sex and gender politics, and environmental activism. Since 2012 she has been attending kink community events in Taiwan, and has participated in various S&M and body modification art performances since 2014. Christine is devoted to exploring and studying various kink-related skills, and gives lectures on anal training, CBT, body modification techniques and undertakes body modification work. Website, FB, Twitter
Saturday 18th July 2020
入場時間:18:30 – 19.00 (UTC+8)
表演開始:19:00起 (UTC+8)
表演開始:19:00起 (UTC+8)
Pre-show gathering: 18.30 – 19.00 Taiwan time (UTC+8)
Live Shows: 19.00 onwards, Taiwan time (UTC+8)
Live Shows: 19.00 onwards, Taiwan time (UTC+8)
購票方式 Tickets
There are a limited number of seats available at the Taipei show venue, and we are happy to be collaborating with 吊點BH to provide a space for friends in Tainan to gather and watch the livestream together. We are offering tickets at a range of prices, and ask that you choose depending on your financial situation. If you intend on watching the shows online with another viewer, please consider buying tickets per head. For the truly destitute rope fiend, we understand and simply ask that you contact us directly. We have a few free tickets available.
線上直播:由The Hub8 私人直播平台播出,售票連結如下。收看密碼將附於您的電子票券收據中。Livestream: Hosted on The Hub8’s own livestream page, tickets available below.
Password will be included with your eTicket receipt.
Password will be included with your eTicket receipt.